Is it right to promote obesity?


We are very much in an era that a lot of people are conscious of their body image and keeping that healthy look. It is important for many people that they feel comfortable with themselves and look good enough for other people to see. It comes with the notion to prove a point that ‘I have a good body, do you?’ in order to gain attention. However there has been promotion lately of obesity and people who are significantly larger than what is deemed as ‘normal’.

First of all it is important to note that obesity is usually described to someone who is overweight with a lot of body fat. It has been estimated that 1 in 4 adults and 1 in 5 children are obese. The most common way that obesity is classified is through BMI (Body Mass Index). From 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight, 30 to 39.9 is considered obese and 40 and above is severely obese. BMI is not always a good indicator as someone who is muscular can also have a high BMI, however when it is purely fat then it is a good pointer.

It has come to my attention that there are now over side models who are considered to be model or even role models for people of that size. I don’t believe that it is bad that they have a job in modelling, however my problem comes with the fact they’re displaying their size in a good way. It goes without saying that a body of that size does not come with healthy implications and they know that. Despite the obvious of being bigger, it comes with health problems that are undeniable. This can lead to having type; 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, some types of cancer and even stroke. Our heart can only take so much before it starts to have a burden including the lungs and joints. I’m sure for a lot of people these are issues they are unlikely to want to be associated with.

Tess Holliday has become a social network sensation showing off her curves in her modelling portfolio. She is currently a size 26(22 US) and is to be signed to a top modelling agency. She claims that there is not only one way a woman can be beautiful, to which she is completely correct. After many years of rejection from agencies, she has finally been given a chance at a London model agency MiLK. As you can see that she is far from what we usually see in fashion or modelling magazines.

Regardless of it all I do not believe that it is right promoting that it is normal simply because it isn’t. We all know that it is not a healthy weight and therefore shouldn’t be advertised like this. Changing people’s perceptions is not ok, especially with the younger generation looking up to someone with this kind of image. They may think it is ok from a young age, then by the time they hit working life in 30’s and 40’s it will catch up with less exercise time and have serious health issues before they even know it. Beauty should be looked at as healthy instead of being super skinny or overweight/obese.

On the other hand I do not agree that you should compromise your health for beauty. If you want to live a long satisfied life then I think that being healthy should be your utmost priority rather than your looks. As for Tess Holliday, she is beautiful as well as having self confidence which should be admired, however her weight shouldn’t.

7 thoughts on “Is it right to promote obesity?

  1. Tess isn’t promoting obesity, she is promoting the fact that she is capable if being as shallow as any skinny bimbo. People trying to justify their distaste for fat people through their “concearn for health” is still not fooling anyway. The woman isn’t sitting on her chest, stop trying to justify other people’s health – or lack thereof.


      1. I know everyone tries to look from afar. But fat people don’t need anyone’s “concern” for their health. And it’s quite hard to rationalize one’s way out of belitteling someone when everyone’s assuming unhealthy life-styles, imo.


      2. I mean, after all, no one is promoting obesity – and this is coming from someone who never saw size zero models promoing being seriously underweight. They’re just showing you don’t have to hide in a corner and dress like a potato bag if you’re obese.


      3. Fair enough. I think we should just agree to disagree because I am not going back on what I said, we all have our own opinion. But thanks for the input much appreciated 😀


  2. I agree a body of a larger does come with health issue(and I know that) and for me being 316 pounds due to predinsone, I actually didn’t lead a sedentary lifestyle but the medication left me big and I started out at 250 and 5’9 in height. I’m actually a plus size model. Yes she is bigger than normal and what she has done for me was promote body acceptance. Again, I agree with with you about health and that’s why I exercise and and I’m changing my diet. Loving your body makes you want to show it off and treat it right. But there are plus size women that feel like they don’t need a healthy lifestyle and that sucks. Good post!


    1. Thank you. I fully understand what you mean and where you are coming from also. It wasn’t in any way to offend anyone. I just know people personally who have been affected with some of this stuff and I just don’t want anyone to be ill or see them suffer, that was my angle

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